Dynamic DNS and Certificate Sharing

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Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server provides a Dynamic DNS service to link your local and public machine IP with a subdomain under thinrdp.net domain. Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server DNS service gives you a PIN code to identify your installed Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server uniquely.


Using this option, you are also able to use a wilcard SSL certificate provided under thinrdp.net domain.


Follow the next topics, so you can learn how to configure and access Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server with the "Dynamic DNS and Certificate Sharing" option.


Configuring PIN resolution

Accessing through thinrdp.net


Note: If you use this option Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server will use its embedded certificate, even when the user have already configured another certificate.


Read more:

Configuring PIN Resolution
Accessing through thinrdp.net